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FactoryTalk WITH lumion

How Studio Transit is
shaping the urban scapes of Rome

Could you sum up the story of Studio Transit to date for us?

Miriam: We just celebrated our 50th anniversary a couple of years ago: the studio was founded in 1972 by four individuals, with Gianni Ascarelli still being at the company as one of our partners. Everything started in Rome, where we’ve significantly influenced the urban landscape – particularly in the southeastern business district. Our early involvement in designing Rome’s underground stations in the 1970s left a lasting impact on the city’s infrastructure.

As of today, we have a diverse portfolio: from residential and office buildings to our ongoing hotel project in the city center, as well as some healthcare-related projects we’re involved in. We’re heavily focused on large-scale projects thanks to our dynamic team. Participating in competitions has also been instrumental for us as we expand into educational and cultural projects around the country.

Miriam Conti  – Architect, Studio Transit
Lorenzo Langella – Associate Architect, Studio Transit

Let us in on your design process

Lorenzo: Our workflow is structured and interdisciplinary, guiding us through the various phases of each project. We begin by conducting thorough analyses of a project’s context, considering historical and energetic factors. From there, we go onto the creative phase, where we sketch ideas on paper or digitally. We create numerous images to explore different concepts, embracing failures and setbacks as part of the creative process. Collaboration is key as we refine our concepts, often generating multiple ideas before selecting the most promising ones to develop. Effective communication of ideas is crucial throughout this process. This structured approach lets us handle multiple projects efficiently, even with a small team, ultimately allowing us to get high-quality results in less time.

Miriam: Our process is indeed very collaborative. I’ve been part of Studio Transit for three years now, and from day one, my voice has been as valued as any team member’s. There’s no strict hierarchy here; while leadership is important, we all contribute equally to the exchange of ideas. We don’t just follow orders; instead, we explore different concepts independently before coming together to share and refine our ideas – sometimes we don’t even speak to each other during this stage so that everyone is able to come up with something uniquely their own. This approach keeps us sharp and fosters a dynamic environment where everyone, regardless of experience, contributes their unique perspective. It can be challenging to narrow down options, but it ensures thorough exploration of possibilities. We dedicate a significant amount of time to the design phase, leaving the graphic elaboration for the final stages. However, Lumion helps streamline the last stages by visualizing our final designs effectively.

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